
the Film

In a small rural town in Pennsylvania, the refuge of a rare salamander and the only source of clean drinking water for 700 people is threatened by the installation of an injection well, prompting community members to band together for an epic fight for the rights of their people and nature.

Co-directed by Justin Grubb and Annie Roth Produced by Juston Grubb, Matt Podolsky and Jim Lesperance

Justin Grubb

Justin Grubb is an award-winning filmmaker, photographer, published writer, naturalist, and co-founder of Running Wild Media. He is a Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leader, a Nat Geo Wild "Wild to Inspire" award-winning filmmaker, a member of The Explorers Club, and an Emerging League member of the International League of Conservation Photographers.

Annie Roth

Annie Roth is a freelance science journalist living in Santa Cruz, California. She enjoys telling stories about animals and the people who study them. Directing Hellbent alongside Justin Grubb was the highlight of the pandemic for her.

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