Wild Kingdom/
Family Day

Join us in learning more about wildlife in our own backyards through film and interactive activities. Hosted by Wild Kingdom’s hosts, Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant and Peter Gros and Wildlife Conservation Society experts. We invite you to customize your Family Day – select the morning session, the afternoon session or both! Enjoy interactive activities and snacks in between.

Start time: 10:00 AM

Into the Bear’s Den

Journey into the bear's den. Watch as Dr. Rae inspects a black bear den and Peter learns how abandoned cubs are given a second chance.

Start time: 11:00 AM

Safe Passage for Whales

See the world of North Atlantic right whales as Peter embarks on a challenging water landing course and Dr. Rae learns about the threats whales face.

Start time: 1:00 PM

Hidden World of Ocelots

Uncover the hidden world of ocelots on the Mexico-U.S. border. Discover how biologists work to diversify the gene pool to increase ocelot numbers.

Start time: 2:00 PM

A World Without Sharks

Discover the world's most misunderstood and threatened species. Discover what’s being done to protect these apex predators.

the Series

Since its network television premiere in 1963, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom has been one of the most loved and respected wildlife programs in television history. The Daytime Emmy®nominated Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild, now airing weekends on NBC’s “The More You Know” time block.

Guided by co-hosts Peter Gros and Dr. Rae-Wynn Grant, the series celebrates stories of conservation success, including the great work of caring, compassionate experts and how they are making a positive impact on the Wild Kingdom.

Dr. Rae Wynn-Gran
Wildlife Ecologist

As a wildlife ecologist, Dr. Rae has expertise in uncovering how human activity influences carnivore behavior and ecology. A native Californian, she attributes her interest in wildlife and conservation to the television shows she watched as a child, including the iconic original series, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom.

Peter Gros,
Wildlife Expert

Peter Gros is a veteran wildlife expert who shares his love of wildlife and wilderness with audiences throughout the country. Gros joined the original Wild Kingdom team in 1985 and has nearly 30 years of field experience with captive wildlife, establishing breeding programs for endangered animals and rehabilitation programs for birds of prey.

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