The Bird in
My Backyard

the Film

In an urban backyard on Canada’s West Coast, a window salesman has created a living laboratory for investigating hummingbird behaviour. The Bird in My Backyard follows citizen scientist, Eric Pittman, as he documents the journeys of two female Anna’s hummingbirds as they attempt to raise their young in his urban garden. It’s a story about the childlike curiosity in all of us, the wonders it can reveal and the doors it can open if we just lean in a bit closer.

Produced and directed by Ryan Wilkes

Ryan Wilkes

Ryan Wilkes is a multi-talented storyteller whose passion for science, conservation and wildlife is reflected in his work as a documentary director, cinematographer and photographer.His diverse background, which includes a PhD in Bioengineering and experience as a materials scientist, gives him a unique perspective when it comes to communicating complex scientific topics in an accessible and engaging way.

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