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Mother's Day
May 10, 2018
5 Things That Make Elephant Mothers Stand Out
1. Imagine That
Female elephants are pregnant an average of almost two years (22 months), longest of any land mammal. When the females do give birth, the calves can weigh more than 200 lbs.
2. Where I Can See You
Very young calves stay close to mom, rarely straying further than 15 feet or so away.
3. Life Lessons
A mother elephant teaches her calf a great deal in the first few years, including how to select food and how to use one's trunk to eat and drink.
4. Herd Mentality
Often, a newborn elephant has more than its mother looking out for it. If a predator approaches, adults in the herd will circle the baby for protection.
5. The Matriarch
A herd of elephants depends on its elder female. She has a powerful memory that leads her herd to food and water in times of drought.
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