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Cat Heavy
June 15, 2016
10. What is Going On?
This Southern elephant seal was: a) dead, b) hiding, c) sleeping, d) foraging.
9. Patagonia Pinnipeds
A dispatch from one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world.
8. Seeing Spots
Staff photographer Julie Larsen Maher played the role of camera trap to get a closer look at the stunning coat of the snow leopard.
7. In the History of Zookeepers, Some Things Never Change
According to WCS's Institutional Archivist Madeleine Thompson, in 1901, the Bronx Zoo's first vet expressed the need for sympathetic and intelligent keepers.
6. Family Pride
Camera traps in Russia provided the first photographic evidence of Amur tigers gathering in a familial group. Five images taken in succession show a father, his mate, and three cubs traipsing through the snow.
5. Solitary Male
A lone tiger was photographed by a camera trap in southern Primorskii Krai, Russia. It's one of only a few dozen of the animals found in this area.
4. Elephant Ingenuity
In two decades of studying elephants in the wild, WCS's Andrea Turkalo only saw an elephant use its trunk as a funnel once—when she took this picture, as a baby, Sapho IV, used it to catch water falling from its mother.
3. Phantom Cat
Legendary field biologist George Schaller described an inspiring encounter with an elusive snow leopard in the Hindu Kush mountains of northern Pakistan.
2. A Rare Bat Gets a Second Chance
In this dispatch from Zoo Miami, a veterinarian tells of an "encounter of a lifetime," with a happy conclusion to boot.
1. Unfriendly Neighbors
The always compelling Jonathan Slaght on the frosty relationship between tigers and wolves in the Russian Far East.
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