Dr. Marco Njana

Lead for Nature-Based Solutions, WCS Tanzania

Dr. Marco Njana serves as a lead Nature-Based Solutions personnel for WCS Tanzania Country Program since 2020. He oversees partnership with the Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) and other Government entities on the development of a large-scale forest carbon project in compliance with Verra VCS and CCBS to be implemented on state protected areas managed by TFS. The project aims to reduce loss of natural remaining forests in the designated national forest reserves, which are critical for biodiversity conservation. Dr. Njana also serves as a forest carbon accounting expert for the project currently under development.

Before joining WCS, Dr. Njana worked for TFS and National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC) of Tanzania. At TFS he oversaw management of mangrove forests while at NCMC he served as an

Assistant Director and Head of Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) unit where at the time the centre developed the first forest reference emission level which was successfully submitted to the UNFCCC. For the past 15 years, Dr. Njana has also authored and co-authored over 25 peer-reviewed articles, served as a reviewer on over 30 international journals and led many consultancy assignments on ecology and natural resources management. He holds a PhD in forestry from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (2015).

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