Measuring Our Effectiveness
Our marine programs in Fiji, PNG, and Solomon Islands are implementing monitoring programs using core biological, socioeconomic, and governance indicators under WCS’s global coral reef social and ecological systems monitoring framework. By amassing a large database from coral reef communities around the world, we are able to better understand what drives successful outcomes for coral reef conservation and human well-being.
Our PNG program is measuring terrestrial wildlife populations (birds and mammals) using camera traps, distance transects and timed counts. The data are analyzed via occupancy measures, distance sampling and generalized linear modeling methodologies. On land, we are aiming for our interventions to translate into harvesting rates that ensure stable population sizes (to be determined based on species models) that are still able to support customary use.
2 kg
Across Melanesia, we expect that over the long term our marine interventions will allow coral reef fish population recovery such that total fish biomass approaches or exceeds 500 kg/ha and fishers are able to land at least 2 kg per fisher per hour.
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