Unseen Rainforest

February 25, 2025

Extraordinary Photos of the Congo

Click on each photo for species identification.

The thick canopy of the Congo rainforest and its luscious vegetation is a safe haven for a unique biodiversity—including rarely-seen wildlife, like the African Golden Cat, captured for the first time in high-definition in their natural environment in Congo.

“Tropical rainforests don’t give up their secrets easily.” —WCS’s Emma Stokes

You can spend years walking through these forests without seeing much of the extraordinary wildlife that lives there, said Stokes. You only know it’s there by the signs it leaves behind. That’s why it's so rewarding to see these incredible images, to gradually unveil some of these secrets, and to better understand these forests to protect them.”

A major camera-trap photography operation in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park led by photographer Will Burrard-Lucas and supported by WCS has captured outstanding images of some of the most charismatic but often rarely seen mammals, in ways they have never been seen before with high definition photography.

Throughout 2023, the park welcomed UK-based Will Burrard-Lucas, a specialist in high-definition camera-trapping, and supported the deployment of 5 traps at 4 different sites in the park.

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