

Our goal is to inspire a diverse, inclusive movement of conservation advocates.

The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. Every year, we reach millions of people through visits to our five parks in New York City, outreach activities, and education programs for children, teens, and families.


The goal of WCS Education is to inspire a diverse, inclusive movement of conservation advocates. We do this by sparking connection with animals and nature; enhancing scientific literacy through hands-on investigation; and engaging constituents in stewardship and action to conserve wildlife and wildplaces.

Audience Outcomes

Our audiences will...


Science and Inquiry


Connection and Wonder


Conservation Action and Stewardship

  • Participate in scientific activities, using scientific language and tools.
  • Understand and use concepts, explanations, arguments, and facts related to science.
  • Observe, question, predict, and test in order to make sense of the natural world.
  • Develop an identity as someone who knows about, uses, and contributes to science.
  • Experience moments of wonder through encounters with wildlife in our parks and beyond.
  • Develop greater empathy toward animals.
  • Be motivated to learn about phenomena in the natural world.
  • Understand the connection between their lived experience and the natural world.
  • Strengthen their knowledge and awareness of conservation issues and solutions.
  • Improve their abilities and skills to act on behalf of wildlife and the environment.
  • Believe that individual and collective actions make a difference.
  • Take conservation action.
  • Support the work of WCS and other wildlife conservation efforts around the world.

Principles of Excellence

Our programs will include…

Experience with wildlife and nature

We provide opportunities for direct engagement with live animals and nature.

Multiple modalities

Our programs reflect the range of ways that people learn, and the diverse cultural experiences that inform their learning.

Inquiry-based learning

We invite our audiences to create their own meaning, ask and investigate their own questions, and have a voice in the education experience.

Hands-on science

We provide opportunities to practice the skills of scientists.


Our programs encourage diverse audiences to articulate meaningful connections between local and global issues and discuss implications for their own communities.


We evaluate outcomes in order to improve our programs, and we disseminate findings to improve the field.

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