Conducting an Aerial Survey of Elephants and Other Wildlife
Periodically, our team conducts aerial surveys of wildlife populations, including elephants, in Tanzania’s greater Ruaha-Katavi landscape. This is important because it provides a vital update on a critical area for a number of species.
This area has East Africa’s largest elephant population plus globally significant populations of lions, wild dogs, vultures and more.
The survey also helps us confirm patterns of illegal logging, mining, and grazing, all of which impact wildlife and will inform our conservation efforts going forward.
Venture with us to Tanzania to learn about this work from our team.
Over the past decade, WCS, the government of Tanzania, and local communities have worked to safeguard wildlife populations through reducing poaching across this landscape.
The survey that we conducted this year covered over 96,000 square kilometers.
The project includes 3 Cessna planes and over 240 hours of flying time. It took us over a month to complete.
But getting wildlife population figures from this survey will be vital in guiding conservation, tourism, and development efforts in the area.
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