
Collaborating with Communities in Northern Mozambique

A team from WCS Mozambique recently traveled to a coastal community as part of the Blue Future project, a collaboration with the Mozambique government, which aims to help protect crucial ocean ecosystems long into the future.

Ocean conservation is vital for local livelihoods and regional stability.

Photo Credit: ©Luca Crudelli/WCS

Recently, we visited a community in Nampula Province.

The people here depend on a healthy ocean for their livelihoods. A new Marine Protected Area (MPA), developed through Blue Future, would help ensure this resource remains available to meet their needs.

Photo Credit: ©Luca Crudelli/WCS

On our visit, we joined the local fisheries management group for one of their regular meetings.

Photo Credit: ©Luca Crudelli/WCS

This group ensures people are fishing sustainably, monitoring their catch, using legal gear, and more.

Photo Credit: ©Luca Crudelli/WCS

The group showed us their new method for gathering data on local fish. Also, how they are growing mangroves to help protect their coastline from storms and rising seas.

Of course, I had to see the reefs for myself. They did not disappoint.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Mozambique

Thanks for visiting!

Photo Credit: ©Thomas Mello/WCS

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