
Working With Communities to Adapt to Climate Change

WCS Fiji interviewed local communities as part of a project designed to help people adapt to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather, including intense cyclones.

Tropical cyclones are among the most destructive natural disturbances to coral reef ecosystems. They can have serious implications for the food availability, security, and the income of coastal communities in these areas.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji
Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji
Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji

Villages like this one rely on the ocean for their livelihoods.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji

We met with the Chief to seek permission to conduct interviews in the village.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji

In the interviews, we are trying to identify actions that will increase resilience to extreme weather.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji
Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji

Several villages have begun mangrove restoration projects. Among their many benefits, mangroves provide a buffer against storms.

Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji
Photo Credit: ©WCS Fiji

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