WCS at COP27

Egypt, November 6–18, 2022

In the News

WCS News Release

European Union announces EUR 25.5 M investment in Mesoamerica’s Five Great Forests

The European Union confirmed its commitment to protect these globally significant forests and the Indigenous Peoples and local communities that risk their lives as their frontline defenders.

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WCS News Release

WCS Brasil and State of Amazonas Agree to Pilot Program Paying Stewards of High Integrity Tropical Forests

Working with partners, WCS aims to create this new high integrity forest investment asset class, pilot the approach at a limited number of locations (including Amazonas), and build out the "system" to enable scaling and uptake in other geographies and by other organizations.

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The New York Times

The World's Peatlands are Climate Bombs Waiting to Detonate

Photo Credit: ©Lorna Harris

"The world’s richest countries should lead by example by protecting their own peatlands," writes WCS's Dan Zarin, "while also committing money to safeguard these landscapes in developing countries."

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At CoP27, WCS convened an esteemed panel of REDD+ government leaders from Cambodia, Uganda, and Tanzania to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and immediate actions needed for accelerating the transition to large-scale national REDD+ action. Learn more about WCS's REDD+ strategy at reddpositive.org

Moderated by Todd Stevens (WCS Executive Director of Business Planning and Markets)
H.E. Chuop Paris (Director-General, Cambodian Ministry of Environment)
Mr. Bob Kazungu (Assistant Commissioner for Forestry in charge of Assessment and Monitoring at the Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda; Uganda’s National REDD+ Focal Point)
Dr. Freddy Manyika (Principal Forest Officer and Climate Change Focal Point, Vice President’s Office of Tanzania)

Highlighted WCS Events

Friday, November 11

Jurisdictional-scale action for forests and global carbon markets: Spotlight on Guyana

11:00–12:00 GMT+2 at COP27 Nature Zone

Guyana is one of the most forested countries in the world, with around 85% of the country covered by vast expanses of high integrity or intact forests. With deforestation rates among the lowest in the world, Guyana is one of a small number of High Forest Low Deforestation (HFLD) countries in the tropics. Since 2009, Guyana has committed to maintaining its forests while pursuing a Low Carbon Development Strategy through incentives from REDD+. In 2022, Guyana is moving into the next stage of this strategy by becoming the first country in the world to generate jurisdictional REDD+ credits targeted primarily at global carbon markets. These HFLD credits are certified through the ART TREES standard and mark the culmination of over a decade of collaborative efforts both domestically and internationally to build a robust, high-integrity national REDD+ system. This event will feature the science, policy, and communities of stakeholders that are making Guyana a model of successful REDD+ implementation.

Saturday, November 12

Act to Adapt: A Roadmap for Resilient Coral Reef Communities and Fisheries

16:30–17:30 GMT+2 at COP27 Nature Zone

An interactive event bringing voices from the frontlines of climate impact together with the latest science around climate adaptation to share a hopeful message: local heroes are successfully leading coastal adaptation work all over the world, and new science provides a roadmap for helping communities, coral reefs, and fisheries adapt and thrive in the face of warming.

Tuesday, November 15

Overcoming Challenges in Scaling Up REDD+ Implementation

11:00–12:00 GMT+2 at COP27 Nature Zone

At UNFCCC COP26, a group of 144 countries pledged to work collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030. One principal pathway for forest countries to contribute to this pledge is through the operationalization of large-scale, high quality REDD+ programs. Although over 45 countries have participated in REDD+ readiness activities, most continue to face significant barriers in building programs that can access global carbon markets. This event will discuss the challenges, opportunities, and immediate actions needed for accelerating the transition to large-scale national REDD+ action.

Tuesday, November 15

Critical to Meeting Global Climate Targets: High Integrity Forests

18:00–19:30 GMT+2 at COP27 Nature Zone

Conserving high integrity forests is critical to the Paris goals and the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests. Leading researchers will share the latest scientific developments.

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