Camera Trap Highlights

Camera trap images and video, captured by the Wildlife Conservation Society, not only give us a window into what’s going on with wildlife, but also give us hope. It’s a testimony that our conservation efforts are working, and findings like these are key in shaping WCS’s conservation strategies for wildlife around the globe. Check out some of our favorites below.


Uplifting camera trap clip from the Maya Biosphere Reserve! A jaguar and its cubs walking through the forest. With partners, WCS Guatemala monitors the big cats with cameras like this one.

Sound on! A puma in Mirador-Rio Azul National Park, Guatemala—a critical habitat. This is likely a mating behavior from this female. We work with key local partners to conserve this area. Camera traps like this help us monitor local wildlife populations.

These images of Critically Endangered Cross River gorillas were captured out of Nigeria in 2020—the first to show a group with young of different ages. Gives us hope for their future.

Tigers are roaring back in Thailand's Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, reports CNN. With the help of conservation efforts by WCS Thailand and the Government of Thailand, their numbers there have roughly doubled in 15 years.


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