2024 WCS Impact Report

Download 2024 WCS Impact Report

Letter from the Chair of the Board and Interim President & CEO

Thank you for your partnership in advancing WCS’s mission to save wildlife and wild places. We hope you see yourself in the pages that follow, because without your generosity we could not achieve the results highlighted in this Impact Report.

In the most important places for nature in 50+ countries, WCS is conserving landscapes and seascapes that are bursting with biodiversity, keeping planet-warming CO₂ out of our atmosphere, and reducing the chances of dangerous diseases jumping from animals to people, which can cause pandemics.

At the same time, through our four zoos and aquarium in New York City, we are opening a gateway to nature in one of the busiest cities on Earth, creating pathways to science and conservation careers, and inspiring the next generation of wildlife champions.

I hope the stories in this report inspire you to share our vision for the future—from rising tiger populations across Asia to stronger forest protections in Africa; from the reopening of the Prospect Park Zoo to our diverse and talented staff around the world.

We stand for wildlife. Thank you for standing with us.

Alejandro Santo Domingo Signature

Alejandro Santo Domingo
Chair of the Board

Alejandro Santo Domingo
Robert G. Menzi Signature

Robert G. Menzi
Interim President & CEO

Robert G. Menzi

WCS: Turning Hope into Action

The solutions we seek lie in the very nature that we hope to save.
Thanks to your generous support, WCS is turning hope into action.

WCS IMPACT around the world

  • 360+

    protected areas WCS helped create since our founding

  • WCS Staff
    • ~5,000+

      scientists, conservationists, animal experts, and other dedicated staff

    • 95%

      of staff are citizens of the country they work in

  • 350+

    peer-reviewed scientific publications each year

  • 150+

    scholarships for emerging conservation leaders awarded by WCS in the last 3 decades

  • Indigenous Peoples


    local partner organizations, including local communities and Indigenous Peoples

  • Cheetah

    Conserves habitat for


    of the world’s biodiversity

  • WCS 5 Park Logos


    wildlife parks in New York City

  • Gorilla


    visitors to our zoos and aquarium in 2023

  • Sea Lion


    animals at our zoos and aquarium

  • Visitors at a WCS Park


    students, educators, and families reached with science education programs annually

2024 Impact Highlights

2030 Goals

Inspire millions of people to advocate for the conservation of wildlife and wild places

Save Wildlife

Priority species stable or increasing at WCS sites

  • Apes


  • Whales & Dolphins

    Whales & Dolphins

  • Elephants


  • Sharks


  • Tigers


Save Wild Places

WCS will help nations significantly scale up conservation impact, supporting the creation of at least 50 new protected and conserved areas in the next 5 years, preserving millions of km2 of tropical forests, peatlands, grasslands, oceans, and other key ecosystems.

  • Tropical Forests

    Tropical Forests

    Protect 2.5 million km2 of some of the world’s high-integrity forests and restore degraded areas

  • Peatlands


    Protect the ecological integrity of 500,000 km2 of the world’s remaining intact peatlands

  • Grasslands


    Safeguard 2.3 million km2 of grasslands

  • Oceans


    Secure 500,000 km2 of new protected areas in coastal seas 

Our efforts to conserve Nature’s Strongholds will help drive global progress on climate and biodiversity targets:

  • Protect and restore natural systems, which could offer as much as 1/3 of the climate action needed to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement

  • Partner with nations and communities to protect 30 percent of the planet by 2030

  • Advance policies toward ending wildlife trade and preventing zoonotic pandemics

WCS Impact Report 2024

Download the 2024 Impact Report to read more


Or find our previous publications here.

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