With their striking white plumage and piercing yellow eyes, snowy owls are icons of the Arctic tundra. These majestic owls are powerful hunters, capable of surviving in some of the harshest climates on Earth. However, climate change and habitat disruption threaten their delicate ecosystem, impacting prey availability.
WCS monitors snowy owl populations and Arctic ecosystems, advocating for climate action and protecting critical habitats to ensure these owls thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
The great horned owl is one of North America’s most adaptable and widespread owl species. With their tufted “horns” and intense gaze, they’re expert hunters, preying on a variety of animals. However, habitat destruction and rodenticide poisoning pose significant risks to their populations.
To protect these birds and others, WCS works to safeguard ecosystems and advocate for sustainable land-use practices.
Unlike most owls, the burrowing owl thrives in open grasslands and deserts, often nesting in abandoned burrows of prairie dogs or other animals. Their endearing behavior and long-legged appearance make them a favorite among wildlife enthusiasts. Unfortunately, habitat loss due to agriculture and urban development threatens their survival. WCS works to safeguard their habitats and educate the public about them.
This elusive and striking owl, named for the white “spectacle” markings around its eyes, resides in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. As apex predators in their ecosystems, spectacled owls play a crucial role in maintaining balance. However, deforestation is a major threat to their habitat.
To help, WCS partners with local governments and Indigenous communities to combat deforestation, preserve rainforest habitats, and protect the rich biodiversity that spectacled owls depend on.
The Eurasian eagle-owl is one of the largest owl species in the world, with a wingspan that can exceed six feet. Found across Europe and Asia, these magnificent birds are known for their haunting calls. Habitat loss, persecution, and declining prey availability have put pressure on their populations.
To ensure their survival, WCS collaborates with conservationists and policymakers across the Eurasian eagle-owl’s range to protect the critical habitats they depend on.
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