Asian Elephants
Why WCS?
9 countries
WCS works in 9 of the 13 Asian elephant range states.
40% of the population
40% of the total Asian elephant population is in WCS sites and landscapes.
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New Study Documents the Extent of Plastic Ingestion as an Emerging Threat to Endangered Asian Elephants in Uttarakhand, India
Researchers from India have highlighted the emergence of a new threat to the health and population of Asian elephants.
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March 3, 2022
WCS Partners with Everland to Expand its Portfolio of High-Impact Forest Conservation Projects to Help Address the Climate and Biodiversity Crises
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January 13, 2022
Passive Fencing Keeps Thailand’s Elephants Out of Harm’s Way
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New Study Documents the Extent of Plastic Ingestion as an Emerging Threat to Endangered Asian Elephants in Uttarakhand, India
Researchers from India have highlighted the emergence of a new threat to the health and population of Asian elephants.
Read the storyWCS Partners with Everland to Expand its Portfolio of High-Impact Forest Conservation Projects to Help Address the Climate and Biodiversity Crises
A new agreement between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Everland will scale a portfolio of forest conservation REDD+ projects to achieve at least 10 million tons of verified emission reductions (VERs) annually with an estimated value...
Read the storyPassive Fencing Keeps Thailand’s Elephants Out of Harm’s Way
A passive fence that guides elephants away from agricultural fields adjacent to Thailand’s largest national park has sharply reduced crop-raiding incidents, said conservationists from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
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